S. P. Lillington, A. Parvate, K. Deng, H. Olson, S. Jin, T. R. Northen, P. D. Adams, J. Evans, M. S. Shell, M. A. O'Malley, “Determining the composition, structure, and biochemical activity of cellulosomes sourced from anaerobic fungi,” Submitted.
S. P. Lillington, M. S. Shell, M. A. O’Malley, “Model-guided engineering of fungal cellulosome parts for pH-responsive protein assembly,” Submitted.
N. S. Schonenbach, A. M. Duran, J. I. Yoo, K. D. Q. Nguyen, J. Meiler, S. Han, M. A. O’Malley, “Engineering GPCR variants devoid of free cysteines via molecular modeling and combinatorial mutagenesis,” Submitted.
T. S. Lankiewicz, N. Elisabeth, D. L. Valentine, M. A. O'Malley, “An argument for using anaerobes as microbial cell factories to advance biomanufacturing and synthetic biology,” Submitted.
L. V. Butkovich, P. A. Leggieri, S. P. Lillington, T. A. Navaratna, C. L. Swift, N. G. Malinov, T. R. Zalunardo, O. B. Vining, A. Lipzen, M. Wang, J. Yan, V. Ng, I. V. Grigoriev, M. A. O’Malley, "Separation of life stages within anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota) highlights differences in global transcription and metabolism," Submitted.
T. S. Lankiewicz, B. Amer, E. E. K. Baidoo, P. A. Leggieri, M. A. O’Malley, “Anaerobic fungi shift amino acid metabolism and produces melanin in response to lignin-derived aromatic compounds,” Submitted.
L. V. Butkovich, O. B. Vining, M. A. O’Malley, “New approaches to secondary metabolite discovery from anaerobic gut microbes,” Submitted.
Published Manuscripts (with Links)
V. Mubayi, C. Ahern, M. Calusinska, M. A. O'Malley, “Towards a circular bioeconomy: designing microbes and polymers for biodegradation,” ACS Synthetic Biology, In press. [ACSSynbio]
E. M. Blair, J. L. Brown, D. Li, P. A. Holden, M. A. O’Malley, “Metagenomics analysis yields insight into anaerobic microbial communities with carbohydrate-degrading capabilities,” Biotechnology Journal. In press.
T. Navaratna*, N. Alansari*, A. Eisenberg*, M. A. O'Malley," Anaerobic fungi contain abundant, diverse, and transcriptionally active Long Terminal Repeat retrotransposons, “ Fungal Genetics & Biology. In press *equal authorship
H. Doré, A. R. Eisenberg, E. N. Junkins, G. E. Leventhal, O. X. Cordero, B. G. Paul, D. Valentine, M. A. O'Malley, E. G. Wilbanks, “Targeted hypermutation of putative antigen sensors in multicellular bacteria," PNAS, 121(9) e2316469121 (2024). [PNAS]
N. Liu, V. Kivenson, X. Peng, Z. Cui, T. S. Lankiewicz, K. M. Gosselin, M. A. O’Malley, D. L. Valentine, “Pontiella agarivorans sp. nov., a novel marine anaerobic bacterium capable of degrading macroalgal polysaccharides and fixing nitrogen,” Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 90 (2): e00914-23 (2023). [AEM]
P. A. Leggieri, E. M. Blair, T. S. Lankiewicz, M. A. O’Malley, “Continuous culture of anaerobic fungi enables growth and metabolic flux tuning without the use of genetic tools,” Bioresource Technology, 391: 129854 (2023). [BITE]
K. A. Heom, C. Wangsanuwat, L. V. Butkovich, S. C. Tam, A. R. Rowe, M. A. O’Malley, S. S. Dey, “Bacterial mRNA sequencing through targeted rRNA depletion for efficient RNA-seq in varied species and co-cultures,” mSystems, 8 (6): e00281-23 (2023). [mSystems]
S. Seppala*, T. Gierke*, E. Schauer, J. L. Brown, M. A. O’Malley, “Identification and expression of small multidrug resistance (SMR) transporters in early-branching anaerobic fungi,” Protein Science, 32 (9): e4730 (2023). *equal authorship [ProteinScience]
A. Dementiev*, S. P. Lillington*, S. Jin, Y. Kim, R. Jedrzejczak, K. Michalska, A. Joachimiak, M. A. O’Malley, “Structure and Enzymatic Characterization of CelD Cellulase from the Anaerobic Fungus Piromyces finnis”, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 107 (19): 5999-6011 (2023).*equal authorship [AppMicro]
S. Lillington, M. Hamilton, J. Cheng, Y. Yoshikuni, M. A. O’Malley, “Expression and characterization of spore coat CotH kinases from the cellulosomes of anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycetes),” Protein Expression and Purification, 210: 106323 (2023).[ProtExpPurif]
J. L. Brown, T. Gierke, L. Butkovich, C. L. Swift, V. Singan, C. Dawum, K. Berry, I. V. Grigoriev, M. A. O’Malley, “High-quality RNA extraction and regulation of genes encoding cellulosomes is correlated with stage of growth in anaerobic fungi,” Frontiers in Fungal Biology, 4 (2023). [Frontiers]
T. S. Lankiewicz, H. Choudhary, Y. Gao, B. Amer, S. P. Lillington, P. A. Leggieri, J. L. Brown, C. L. Swift, A. Lipzen, H. Na, M. Amirebrahimi, M. K. Theodorou, E. E.K. Baidoo, K. Barry, I. V. Grigoriev, V. I. Tomhokin, J. Gladden, S. Singh, J. C. Mortimer, J. Ralph, B. A. Simmons, S. W. Singer, M. A. O’Malley, “Lignin deconstruction by anaerobic fungi,” Nature Microbiology, 8, 596-610 (2023). [NatMicro]
J. L. Brown, M. A. Perisin, C. L. Swift, M. Benyamin, S. Liu, V. Singan, Y. Zhang, E. Savage, C. Pennacchio, I. V. Grigoriev, M. A. O’Malley, “Co-cultivation of anaerobic fungi with Clostridium acetobutylicum bolsters butryate and butanol production from cellulose and lignocellulose,” Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 49(6) (2022). [JIMB]
C. Han, K. D. Q. Nguyen, M. W. Berkow, S. Hussain, A. Kiani, M. Kinnevrew, M. N. Idso, N. Baxter, E. Chang, E. Aye, E. Winslow, S. Seppala, M. A. O’Malley, B. Chmelka, B. Mertz, S. Han, “Lipid membrane mimetics and oligomerization tune functional properties of proteorhodopsin,” Biophysical Journal, 122 (1): 168-179 (2023). [BiophysJ]
U. Neri, Y. I. Wolf, S. Roux, A. P. Camargo, B. Lee, D. Kazlauskas, I. M. Chen, N. Ivanova, L. Z. Allen, D. Paez-Espion, D. A. Bryant, D. Bhaya, RNA Virus Discovery Consortium (including M. A. O’Malley), M. Krupovic, V. V. Dolja, N. C. Kyrpides, E. V. Koonin, U. Gophna, “Expansion of the global RNA virome reveals diverse clades of bacteriophages,” Cell,185 (21): 4023-4037 (2022). [Cell]
T. S. Lankiewicz, S. P. Lillington, M. A. O’Malley, “Enzyme discovery in anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycetes) enables lignocellulosic biorefinery innovation,” Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, , e00041-22 (2022). [MMBR]
P. A. Leggieri, M. T. Valentine, M. A. O’Malley, “Biofilm disruption enhances growth rate and carbohydrate active enzyme production in anaerobic fungi,” Bioresource Technology, 127361 (2022). [BITE]
M. S. Elshahed, R. A Hanafy,Y. Cheng, S. S. Dagar, J. Edwards, V. Flad, K. O. Fliegerová, G. W Griffith, S. Kittelmann, M. Lebuhn, M. A. O'Malley, S. Podmirseg, K. V. Solomon, J. Vinzelj, D. Young, N. Youssef, “On the characterization and rank assignment criteria for the anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycota),” International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 72 (7), 005449 (2022). [IJSEM]
B. Fremin, GP-SmORF Consortium (including M. A. O’Malley), A. S. Bhatt, N. C. Krypides, “Revealing thousands of small, novel genes in global phage genomes,” Cell Reports, 39, 110984 (2022). [CellReports]
J. I. Yooǂ, T. Navaratnaǂ, P. Kolence, M. A. O’Malley, “GPCR-FEX: a fluoride-based selection system for rapid GPCR screening and engineering,” ACS Synthetic Biology, 11: 39−45 (2022).[ACSSynbio] ǂ equal author contributions
J. L. Brown, C. L. Swift, S. Mondo, S. Seppälä, A. Salamov, V. Singan, B. Henrissat, J. K. Henske, S. Lee, K. LaButti, Guifen He, M. Yan, K. Barry, I. V. Grigoriev, M. A. O'Malley, “Co-cultivation of the anaerobic fungus Caecomyces churrovis with Methanobacterium bryantii enhances transcription of carbohydrate binding modules dockerins, and pyruvate formate lyases on specific substrates,” Biotechnology for Biofuels, 14:234 (2021). [BiotechBiofuels]
E. Blair, K. Dickson, M. A. O’Malley, “Microbial communities and their enzymes facilitate degradation of recalcitrant polymers in anaerobic digestion,” Current Opinion in Microbiology, 64: 100-108 (2021). [CurrOpMicro]
P. A. Leggieri, C. Kerdman-Andrade, T. S. Lankiewicz, M. T. Valentine, M. A. O'Malley, “Non-destructive quantification of anaerobic gut fungi and methanogens in co-culture reveals increased fungal growth rate and changes in metabolic flux relative to mono-culture,” Microbial Cell Factories, 20: 199 (2021). [MCF]
I. Podolsky, E. Schauer, S. Seppälä, M. A. O'Malley, “Identification of novel membrane proteins for improved lignocellulose conversion,” Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 73: 198-204 (2022). [CurrOpMicro]
K. D. Q. Nguyen, M. Vigers, E. Sefah, S. Seppälä, J. P. Hoover, N. S. Schonenbach, B. Mertz, M. A. O'Malley, S. Han, “Oligomerizaton of the human adenosine A2a receptor is driven by the intrinsically disordered C-terminus,” eLife, 10:e66662 (2021). [eLife]
C. L. Swift, K. B. Louie, B. P. Bowen, C. A. Hooker, K. V. Solomon, V. Singan, C. Daum, C. P. Pennachhio, K. Barry, V. Shutthanandan, J. E. Evans, I. V. Grigoriev, T. R. Northen, M. A. O'Malley, “Co-cultivation of anaerobic fungi with rumen bacteria establishes an antagonistic relationship,” mBio, 12: 4, e01442-21 (2021).[mBio]
C. L. Swift, N. G. Malinov, S. J. Mondo, A. Salamov, I. V. Grigoriev, M. A. O’Malley, “A genomic catalog of stress response genes in anaerobic fungi for applications in bioproduction,” Frontiers in Fungal Biology, Vol. 2, Article 708358 (2021).[Frontiers]
S. P. Lillington, W. Chrisler, C. H. Haitjema, S. P. Gilmore, C. R. Smallwood, V. Shutthanandan, J. E. Evans, M. A. O'Malley, “Cellulosome localization patterns vary across life stages of anaerobic fungi,” mBio, 12(3): e00832-21 (2021). [mBio]
I. A. Podolsky, S. Seppälä, H. Xu, Y. S. Jin, M. A. O’Malley, “A SWEET surprise: anaerobic fungal sugar transporters and chimeras enhance sugar uptake in yeast,” Metabolic Engineering, 66: 137-147 (2021). [ME]
C. L. Swift, K. Louie, B. Bowen, H. M. Olsen, S. O. Purvine, A. Salamov, S. J. Mondo, K. V. Solomon, A. T. Wright, T. R. Northen, I. V. Grigoriev, N. P. Keller, M. A. O’Malley, “Anaerobic gut fungi are an untapped reservoir of natural products,” PNAS, 118 (18) e20198551118 (2021). [PNAS]
L. M. G. Saye, T. A. Navaratna, J. P. J. Chong, M. A. O’Malley, M. K. Theodorou, M. Reilly, “The anaerobic fungi: challenges and opportunities for industrial lignocellulosic biofuel production,” Microorganisms, 9(4): 694 (2021). [Microorganisms]
S. Roux, B. G. Paul, S. C. Bagby, S. Nayfach, M. A. Allen, G. Attwood, R. Cavicchioli, L. Chistoserdova, R. J. Gruninger, S. J. Hallam, M. E. Hernandez, M. Hess, W. Liu, T. A. McAllister, M. A. O’Malley, X. Peng, V. I. Rich, S. R. Saleska, E. A. Eloe-Fadrosh, “Ecology and molecular targets of hypermutation in the global microbiome,” Nature Communications, 12: 3076 (2021). [NatComm]
P. A. Leggieri, Y. Liu, M. Hayes, B. A. Connors, S. Seppälä, M. A. O’Malley, O. S. Venturelli, “Integrating systems and synthetic biology to understand and engineer microbiomes,” Annual Reviews of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 23 (2021). [AnnRev]
S. E. Wilken, J. M. Monk, P. A. Leggieri, C. A. Lawson, T. S. Lankiewicz, S. Seppälä, C. Daum, J. Jenkins, A. Lipzen, S. J. Mondo, K. W. Berry, I. V. Grigoriev, J. K. Henske, M. K. Theodorou, B. O. Palsson, L. R. Petzold, M. A. O’Malley, “Experimentally validated reconstruction and analysis of a genome-scale metabolic model of an anaerobic Neocallimastigomycota fungus,” mSystems, 6(1):e00002-21(2021). [mSystems]
C. Wangsanuwatǂ, K. Heomǂ, E. Liu, M. A. O'Malley, S. S. Dey, “Efficient and cost-effective bacterial mRNA sequencing from low input samples through ribosomal RNA depletion,” BMC Genomics, 21: 717 (2020). ǂ equal author contributions [BMC Genomics]
X. Peng, S. E. Wilken, T. S. Lankiewicz, S. P. Gilmore, J. L. Brown, J. K. Henske, C. L. Swift, A. Salamov, K. Barry, I. V. Grigoriev, M. K. Theodorou, D. L. Valentine, M. A. O’Malley, “Genomic and functional analyses of fungal and bacterial consortia that enable lignocellulose breakdown in goat gut microbiomes,” Nature Microbiology, 6(4): 499–511 (2021). [NatMicro]
L. Hagen, C. G. Brooke, C. Shaw, A. D. Norbeck, H. Piao, M. O Arntzen, H. Brewer, A. Copeland, N. Isern, A. Shukla, S. Roux, V. Lombard, B.Henrissat, M. A. O'Malley, I. Grigoriev, S. Tringe, R. Mackie, L. Pasa-Tolic, P. B. Pope, M. Hess, “Proteome specialization of anaerobic fungi during ruminal degradation of recalcitrant plant fiber," ISME Journal,15: 421–434 (2021). [ISME]
J. I. Yoo, S. Seppälä, M. A. O’Malley, “Engineered fluoride sensitivity enables biocontainment and selection of genetically-modified yeasts,” Nature Communications, 11: 5459 (2020). [NatComm]
GEM Consortium (252 authors, including X. Peng and M. A. O'Malley) “A genomic catalog of Earth’s microbiomes,” Nature Biotechnology, 39, 499-509 (2021). [NatBiotech]
T. A. Rush, V. Puech-Pages, A. Bascaules, P. Jargeat, F. Maillet, A. Haouy, A. QuyManh Maës, M. Keller-Pearson, J. Tannous, K. R. Cope, K. Garcia, J. Maeda, C. Johnson, B. Kleven, Q. J. Choudhury, J. Labbé, C. L. Swift, M. A. O’Malley, J. W. Bok, S. Cottaz, S. Fort, V. Poinsot, M. R. Sussman, C. Lefort, J. Nett, N. P. Keller, G. Becard, J. M. Ané,“Lipo-chitooligosaccharides as regulatory signals of fungal growth and development," Nature Communications, 11: 3897 (2020). [NatComm]
S. E. Wilken, P. A. Leggieri, C. Kerdman-Andrade, M. Reilly, M. K. Theodorou, M. A. O’Malley, “An Arduino based automatic pressure evaluation system (A-APES) to quantify growth of non-model anaerobes in culture,” AIChE Journal, 66 (12): e16540 (2020). [AIChE]
S. P. Gilmore, S. Lillington, C. H. Haitjema, R. de Groot, M. A. O’Malley, “Designing chimeric enzymes for synthetic fungal cellulosomes,” Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology, 5: 23-32 (2020). [SynthSysBio]
J. I. Yoo, P. S. Daugherty, M. A. O’Malley, “Bridging non-overlapping reads illuminates high-order epistasis between distal protein sites using next-generation sequencing,” Nature Communications, 11, 690 (2020). [NatComm]
S. E. Wilken, S. Seppälä, T. S. Lankiewicz, M. Saxena, J. K. Henske, A. A. Salamov, I. V. Grigoriev, M. A. O’Malley, “Genomic and proteomic biases inform metabolic engineering strategies for anaerobic fungi,” Metabolic Engineering Communications, 10, e00107 (2020). [MEC]
S. Lillington, P. Leggieri, K. Heom, M. A. O’Malley, “Nature’s recyclers: anaerobic microbial communities drive crude biomass deconstruction,” Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 62: 38-47 (2020). [CurrOpBiotech]
S. P. Gilmoreǂ, T. Lankiewiczǂ, S. E. Wilken, J. L. Brown, J. A. Sexton, J. K. Henske, M. K. Theodorou, D. L. Valentine, M. A. O’Malley, “Top-down enrichment guides in formation of synthetic microbial consortia for biomass degradation,” ACS Synthetic Biology, 8: 2174-2185 (2019). ǂequal author contributions [ACSSynbio]
V. Dollhofer, D. Young, S. Seppälä, C. Hooker, N. Youssef, S. M. Podmirseg, M. Nagler, M. Reilly, Y. Li, K. Fliegerová, Y. Cheng, G. W. Griffith, M. Elshahed, K. V. Solomon, M. A. O’Malley, M. K. Theodorou, “The biotechnological potential of anaerobic gut fungi,” The Mycota Vol. II: Genetics and Biotechnology, 3rd edition, edited by J. Philipp Benz and Kerstin Schipper (book chapter) (Invited Submission)(2019).
C. E. Lawson, W. R. Harcombe, R. Hatzenpichler, S. R. Lindemann, F. Loffler, M. A. O’Malley, H. Garcia-Martin, B. F. Pfleger, L. Raskin, O. S. Venturelli, D. G. Weissbrodt, D. R. Noguera, K. D. McMahon, “Common principles and best practices for engineering microbiomes.” Nature Reviews Microbiology, 17: 725–741 (2019) .[NatRevMicro]
C. L Swift, J. L. Brown, S. Seppälä, M. A. O’Malley, “Co-cultivation of the anaerobic fungus Anaeromyces robustus with Methanobacterium bryantii enhances transcription of carbohydrate active enzymes,” Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 46(9):1427-1433 (2019). [JIMB]
S. Seppäläǂ, J. I. Yooǂ, D. Yur, M. A. O’Malley, “Heterologous transporters from anaerobic fungi bolster fluoride tolerance in evolutionarily adapted Saccharomyces cerevisiae,” Metabolic Engineering Communications, 9, e00091(2019). ǂ equal author contributions [MEC]
S. E. Wilken, C. L. Swift, I. Podolsky, T. Lankiewicz, S. Seppälä, M. A. O'Malley, "Linking “omics” to function unlocks the biotech potential of non-model fungi," Current Opinion in Systems Biology, 14: 9-17 (2019). [CurrOpSysBio]
I. A. Podolskyǂ, S. S. Seppäläǂ, T. S. Lankiewicz, J. Brown, C. L. Swift, M. A. O’Malley, “Harnessing nature’s anaerobes for biotechnology and bioprocessing,” Annual Review of Chemical & Bimolecular Engineering. 10:105-128 (2019).ǂ equal author contributions [AnnRevChE]
K. V. Solomon, J. K. Henske, S. P. Gilmore, A. Lipzen, I. Grigoriev, D. A. Thompson, M. A. O’Malley, “Catabolic repression in early-diverging anaerobic fungi is partially mediated by natural antisense transcripts,”Fungal Genetics & Biology, 121: 1-9 (2018). [FGB]
J. K. Henske, S. P. Gilmore, C. H. Haitjema, K. V. Solomon, M. A. O’Malley, “Biomass-degrading enzymes are catabolite repressed in anaerobic gut fungi,” AIChE J, 64(12): 4263-4270 (2018).(Special Founders Issue in Honor of Jay Bailey). [AIChEJ]
J. I. Yoo, M. A. O’Malley, “Tuning vector stability and integration frequency elevates functional GPCR production and homogeneity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.” ACS Synthetic Biology, 7(7): 1763-1772 (2018). [ACSSynBio]
S. E. Wilken, M. Saxena, L. R. Petzold, M. A. O’Malley, “In silico identification of microbial partners to form consortia with anaerobic fungi,” Processes. 6(1), 7 (2018). [Processes]
J. K. Henske, S. E. Wilken, K. V. Solomon, C. E. Smallwood, V. Shutthanandan, J. E. Evans, M. K. Theodorou, M. A. O’Malley, “Metabolic characterization of anaerobic fungi provides a path forward for bioprocessing of crude lignocellulose,” Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 115(4): 874-884 (2018). [B&B]
J. K. Henske, S. P. Gilmore, D. Knop, F. J. Cunningham, J. Sexton, C. E. Smallwood, V. Shutthanandan, J. E. Evans, M. K. Theodorou, M. A. O’Malley, “Transcriptomic characterization of Caecomyces churrovis: a novel, non-rhizoid forming lignocellulolytic anaerobic fungus,” Biotechnology for Biofuels, 10: 305 (2017). [BiotechBiofuels]
J. K. Henske, S. D. Springer, M. A. O’Malley, A. Butler, “Substrate based differential expression analysis reveals control of biomass degrading enzymes in Pycnoporus cinnabarinus,” Biochemical Engineering Journal, 130: 83-89 (2018). [BEJ]
S. Seppälä, S. E. Wilken, D. Knop, K. V. Solomon, M. A. O’Malley, “The importance of sourcing enzymes from non-conventional fungi for metabolic engineering & biomass breakdown,” Metabolic Engineering, 44: 45-59 (2017). [MBE]
J. E. Edwards, R. J. Forster, T. M. Callaghan, V. Dollhofer, S. S. Dagar, Y. Cheng, J. Chang, S. Kittelmann, K. Fliegerova, A. K. Puniya, J. K. Henske, S. P. Gilmore, M. A. O’Malley, G. W. Griffith, H. Smidt, “PCR and ‘omics based techniques to study the diversity, ecology and biology of anaerobic fungi: insights, challenges and opportunities, “ Frontiers in Microbiology,8:1657 (2017). [Frontiers]
S. P. Gilmore, J. K. Henske, J. A. Sexton, K. V. Solomon, S. Seppälä, J. I. Yoo, L. M. Huyett, A. Pressman, J. Z. Cogan, V. Kivenson, X. Peng, Y. Tan, D. L. Valentine, M. A. O'Malley, "Genomic analysis of methanogenic archaea reveals a shift towards energy conservation," BMC Genomics, 18:639 (2017). [BMC]
X. Peng, C. L. Swift, M. K. Theodorou, M. A. O’Malley, “Methods for genomic characterization & maintenance of anaerobic fungi,” Methods in Molecular Biology: Fungal Genomics, Springer Protocols Series, (2017)In press.
C. H. Haitjemaǂ, S. P. Gilmoreǂ, J. K. Henske, K. V. Solomon, R. deGroot, A. Kuo, S. Mondo, A. Kuo, S. J. Mondo, A. A. Salamov, K. LaButti, Z. Zhao, J. Chiniquy, K. Barry, H. M. Brewer, S. O. Purvine, A. T. Wright, M. Hainaut, B. Boxma, T. van Alen, J. H. P. Hackstein, B. Henrissat, S. E. Baker, I. V. Grigoriev, M. A. O’Malley, “A parts list for fungal cellulosomes revealed by comparative genomics,” Nature Microbiology, 2(8), 17087 (2017). ǂ equal author contributions [Nature]
S. J. Mondo, R. O. Dannebaum, R. Kuo, K. LaButti, S. Haridas, A. Kuo, A. Salamov, S. R. Ahrendt, A. Lipzen, W. Sullivan, W. Andreopolous, A. Clum, E. Lindquist, C. Daum, G. Ramamoorthy, A. Gryganskyi, D. Dulley, J. Magnuson, T. Y. James, M. A. O’Malley, J. E. Stajich, J. W. Spatafora, A. Visel, I. V. Grigoriev, “Widespread adenine N6-methylation of active genes in fungi", Nature Genetics, 49, 964-968 (2017). [Nature]
J. Niu, D. J. Lunn, A. Pusuluri, J. I. Yoo, M. A. O'Malley, S. Mitragotri, H. T. Soh, C. J. Hawker," Engineering live cell surfaces with functional polymers via cytocompatible controlled radical polymerization," Nature Chemistry, 9: 537-545 (2017). [Nature]
J. L. Guerrero, P. S. Daugherty, M. A. O'Malley, "Emerging technologies for protease engineering: new tools to clear out disease," Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 114(1): 33-38 (2017). [B&B]
S. Seppälä, K. V. Solomon, S. P. Gilmore, J. K. Henske, M. A. O’Malley, “Mapping the membrane proteome of anaerobic fungi identifies a wealth of carbohydrate binding proteins and transporters”, Microbial Cell Factories, 15:212 (2016). [MCF]
X. Peng, S. P. Gilmore, M. A. O’Malley, “Microbial communities for bioprocessing: lessons learned from nature,” Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering, 14: 103-109 (2016). [CurrOpChe]
N. S. Schonenbach, M. D. Rieth, S. Han, M. A. O’Malley, “Adenosine A2a receptors form distinct oligomers in protein detergent complexes,” FEBS Letters, 590: 3295-3306 (2016). [FEBS]
G. J. Li et. al (+134 additional authors, including K. V. Solomon, J. K. Henske, C. H. Haitjema, S. P. Gilmore, M. K. Theodorou, M. A. O'Malley), "Fungal diversity notes 253-366: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal taxa," Fungal Diversity, 78(1): 1-237 (2016). [FD]
K. V. Solomon, E. Ovadia, F. Yu, W. Mizunashi, M. A. O'Malley, "Mitochondrial-targeting increases specific activity of a heterologous valine assimilation pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae," Metabolic Engineering Communications, 3: 68-75 (2016). [MEX]
K. V. Solomon, C. H. Haitjema, J. K. Henske, S. P. Gilmore, D. Borges-Rivera, A. Lipzen, H. M. Brewer, S. O. Purvine, A. T. Wright, M. K. Theodorou, I. Grigoriev, A. Regev, D. A. Thompson, M. A. O’Malley, “Early-branching gut fungi possess a large, comprehensive array of biomass degrading enzymes,” Science, 351: 1192-1195 (2016). [Science]
J. L. Guerrero, M. A. O'Malley, P. S. Daugherty, "Intracellular FRET-based screen for redesigning the specificity of secreted proteases," ACS Chemical Biology, 11(4): 961-970 (2016). [ACS]
J. K. Henske, K. V. Solomon, M. K. Theodorou, M. A. O'Malley, "Robust and effective methodologies for cryopreservation and DNA extraction for anaerobic gut fungi, Anaerobe, 38:39-46 (2016). [Anaerobe]
S. P. Gilmore, J. K. Henske, M. A. O'Malley, "Driving biomass breakdown through engineered cellulosomes," Bioengineered, 6:4, 204-208 (2015). [BioE]
N. S. Schonenbach, S. Hussain, M. A. O’Malley, “Structure and function of G-protein coupled receptor oligomers: implications for drug discovery,” WIRES Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, 7: 408-427 (2015). [WIRES]
K. V. Solomon, C. H. Haitjema, D. A. Thompson, M. A. O'Malley, "Extracting data from the muck: deriving biological insight from complex microbial communities and non-model organisms with next generation sequencing," Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 28: 103-110 (2014). [CoBIOT]
C. H. Haitjema, K. V. Solomon, J. K. Henske, M. K. Theodorou, M. A. O'Malley, "Anaerobic gut fungi: advances in isolation, culture, and cellulolytic enzyme discovery for biofuel production," Biotechnology & Bioengineering, 111(8): 1471-1482 (2014). [B&B]
M. A. O’Malley, M. K. Theodorou, C. A. Kaiser, “Evaluating expression and catalytic activity of anaerobic fungal fibrolytic enzymes native to Piromyces sp E2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,” Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 31(1): 37-46 (2012). [EPSE] (Most Accessed Article)
M. A. O’Malley. “Neuromethods, Vol. 60: Methods for the Discovery and Characterization of G Protein-Coupled Receptors, edited by Craig W. Stevens”, ChemBioChem, 13(6): 905-906 (2012) . (Book Review) [ChemBioChem]
M. A. O’Malley, M. E. Helgeson, N. J. Wagner, A. S. Robinson, “Toward rational design of protein detergent complexes: determinants of mixed micelles that are critical for the in vitro stabilization of a G-protein coupled receptor,” Biophysical Journal, 101(8): 1938-1948 (2011). [pubmed]
M. A. O’Malley, M. E. Helgeson, N. J. Wagner, A. S. Robinson, “The morphology and composition of cholesterol-rich micellar nanostructures determine transmembrane protein (GPCR) activity,” Biophysical Journal, 100(2):L11-L13 (2011). (Featured Article, Most Accessed Article) [pubmed]
M. A. O’Malley, A. N. Naranjo, T. Lazarova, A. S. Robinson, “Analysis of adenosine A2a receptor stability: effects of ligands and disulfide bonds,” Biochemistry, 49: 9181-9189 (2010). [pubmed]
M. A. O’Malley, J. D. Mancini, C. L. Young, E. C. McCusker, D. Raden, A. S. Robinson, “Progress towards heterologous expression of active G-protein coupled receptors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: linking cellular stress responses with translocation and trafficking,” Protein Science, 18(11):2356-2370 (2009). [pubmed]
M. A. O’Malley, T. Lazarova, Z. T. Britton, A. S. Robinson, “High-level expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae enables isolation and spectroscopic characterization of functional human adenosine A2a receptor,” Journal of Structural Biology, 159:166-178 (2007). [pubmed]
E. C. McCusker, S. E. Bane, M. A. O’Malley, A. S. Robinson, “Heterologous GPCR expression: a bottleneck to obtaining crystal structures,” Biotechnology Progress, 23(3):540-547 (2007). [pubmed]
A. Wedekind, M. A. O’Malley, R. T. Niebauer, A. S. Robinson, “Optimization of the human adenosine A2a receptor yields in Saccharomyces cerevisiae,” Biotechnology Progress, 22(5):1249-1255 (2006). [pubmed]