1/8/14 O'Malley Lab awarded American Heart Association GrantThe O'Malley lab was awarded a Grant-in-Aid from the Western States Affiliate of the American Heart Association (AHA). The $140,000, 2-year award will fund our group's research to gain mechanistic insight into the oligomerization of human adenosine receptors, which play a vital role in cardiac function and heart disease.
Nikki was awarded a Women Chemists Committee (WCC)-Eli Lilly Travel Award to attend the Spring American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting in Dallas. Congrats, Nikki!
11/4/13 O'Malley Lab Presents at the American Institute of Chemical Engineers MeetingThe O'Malley lab made the short trip up the coast to San Francisco to attend the 2013 AIChE annual meeting. Kevin, Charles, and Jen presented their research in SF, which was the highest attended AIChE meeting ever! Special congratulations to Prof. Anne Robinson (Prof. O'Malley's graduate advisor at UD), who was awarded the Women's Initiative Committee (WIC) Mentorship Excellence Award at the meeting.
Our proposal was one of 8 selected as part of the new collaboration between the DOE Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI) and the Pacific Northwest National Lab's Environmental Molecular Sciences Lab (PNNL EMSL). Our 2014 Community Science Proposal (CSP) is entitled "Identification and Regulation of Cellulases within Novel Anaerobic Gut Fungi". More info on our work and other research groups selected in the 2014 CSP can be found here.
Prof. O'Malley was one of the instructors at the inaugural "Microbial Fermentation Workshop" sponsored by UC-San Diego Extension and the Center for Continuing Education in Biosciences (CCE-Bio) at UCSD. The three day course brought together professionals from industry and academia from across the US.